How to survive vitamin D deficiency during COVID- 19 lockdown and the role of SURYA NAMASKAR for boosting Vitamin D.

First, we will see about vitamin D 

The sunlight is the natural source of vitamin D, we can get vitamin D from the healthy diets too,
vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphate in our body, these nutrients are needed to keep the bones, teeth and muscles healthy. 
                                                   vitamin D deficiency will cause secondary hyperparathyroidism that causes increased bone loss, osteopenia, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and increased fracture risk. in severe deficiency will cause myopathy which can cause muscle weakness and pain. most people have no symptoms. in severe cases, deficiency can lead to thin, brittle or misshapen bones.

How Vitamin D deficiency associated with COVID-19 Lockdown 

we usually get the vitamin D from naturally from the sunlight and food supplements, during lockdown period we are not often outdoors so we can't reach all the healthy food items, and we are not going outside for consuming the sunlight. 
                                 the people usually spent their whole time in rooms, by watching movies and gaming, usually, we are not aware of the health issues that will cause during the lockdown period, we can't find enough vitamin D food supplements during this time. due to the lack of enough food supply, and less exposure to sunlight, people often get vitamin deficiency. people will always get tired, feeling sick, weakness in the bones during this period of time. this all can be the reason behind the COVID-19 related to vitamin D deficiency. 

chronic symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, 

  • sleep changes
  • low mood
  • pale skin and dark circles.
  • infections in the throat.
  • muscle weakness.
  • weak and aching bones
  • loss of appetite.
  • back pain.
  • constant tiredness.                                                   

How to overcome Vitamin D deficiency

first, we should try to boost vitamin D by food supplyments, TRY TO FIND THE FOOD THAT RICH IN VITAMIN D, try to find vitamin D capsules. 


Food that rich in vitamin D

  • Fatty fish
  • orange juice
  • egg yolk
  • COD liver oil
  • mushrooms
  • fish eggs
  • fortified cereals
  • ricotta cheese

Vitamin D supplements 

vitamin D supplements are very safe, try to stock the vitamin D capsules from pharmacies.
  • children aged 1-10 should not have more than 50 micrograms a day
  • Infants (under 12 months) should not have more than 25 micrograms a day.
  • adults should not have more than100 micrograms a day.

Do Surya namaskar daily for healthy levels of vitamin D

Surya Namaskar, Salute to the Sun or Sun Salutation, is a practice in yoga as exercise incorporating a sequence of some twelve gracefully linked asanas. The asana sequence originated in the Hatha Yoga tradition on 9th century in India.
the sun is the natural way to gain vitamin D
  • Hindu culture believes the sun as a god, there is many benefits from the sunlight 
  • before going to surya namasara we should find the right place for practice.
  • Then choose the correct time for the practice.
  • the time should be a set according to the sunrise. this is the best time because of the air pollution will be less at this time.
  • face towards the sun and start practising, gain energy. 
  • in morning the UV rays will be less, so choose the morning section. 
  • Try to do it daily and we can feel the freshness and positive vibes. 

steps of surya namaskar

Click here for:  List Of Things We Should Not Do Immediately After The COVID-19 Lockdown